From the Cave to the Kitchen

For me, there’s nothing quite as comforting as a home cooked meal – even ahead of a night out in some of most fabulous cities in Europe. Yes, eating out is delicious but I find the daily act of preparing and creating a dish immensely rewarding, particularly if it’s for someone else. I’m a savory sort and love to mash my potatoes and grill my chicken. My food might be simple, but it’s wholesome and made with love.

Up until recently, I rarely gave a second thought to the single most important tool in my kitchen: my oven. Just like many of the technologies we take for granted, I use my oven every single day but never stop to imagine what life would be like without it.

Thanks to this neat interactive infographic from Leisure, I can now safely say that without the oven, human life would be pretty barbaric. According to historians, the discovery of controlled heat and cooked food put our ancestors at the top of the food chain – making us the sentient species we are today.

But how could a good cooked meal have such a massive impact on civilization? Take a look at the infographic to learn more.

A 7 Step History of the Oven

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